Saturday, March 22, 2014


Inkheart film is based on a trilogy novel written by a germans writer Cornelia Funke; There're, Tintenherz (Inkheart), Tintenblut (Inkspell), and Tintentod (Inkdeath).
Inkheart tells a story about silvertongues. Silvertongues, are they who, when they read a book out loud, it becomes real. The characters will go out of the book and as for the exchange someone from the real world will go into the book.
 Characters and Casts
Mortimer 'Mo' Folchart (Brendan Fraser)

Maggie Folchart (Eliza Hope Bennett)

Teresa 'Resa' Folchart (Sienna Guillory)

Elinor Loredan (Helen Mirren)

Darius (John Thomson)

Fenoglio (Jim Broadbent)

Characters from a book:
Dustfinger (Paul Bettany)

Farid (Rafi Gavron)

Capricorn (Andy Serkis)

Mortola (Lesley Sharp)

Basta (Jamie Foreman)

The Plot
After nine years of Resa disappearance (she went into 'Inkheart' book) Mo and Maggie took a trip to book market. There, Mo, finally founds a copy of Inkheart book in one of the stores. Meanwhile, Maggie who's reading a book outside the store met Dustfinger and his pet, Gwin. Maggie told him that she shouldn't talk to a stranger but Dustfinger said, he isn't, and that he had already met Maggie before.
Later, Mo came out of the store and saw Dustfinger is talking to his daughter, she then told Maggie to wait in the van while he talks something with Dustfinger. Dustfinger warned Mo about Capricorn's underlings who's looking for him and said that he could help Mo and Maggie hide from then if Mo reads him back to the book. Mo refused and says that he doesn't have the book. But Dustfinger said it's in Mo's bag. Mo then ran away.
Mo and Maggie then go to Italy to hide in Maggie's aunt, Elinor's house but in the end they're caught by Capricorn's underlings and all of Elinor's book collection got burned.
They're taken to Capricorn's village. Mo finally explained what really is going on, about his talent and also Maggie's mom disappearance.
Shortwhile, they're brought to Capricorn. Capricorn said that he needs Mo to become his reader because his current reader, Darius is stuttering while he's reading which caused the character is half-read and there're words written on their faces.
Capricorn then tells Mo to read '1001 Nights' book to bring out the treasures in it. Mo succeed and in addition he brought out a character from the book, Farid.
Meanwhile, Dustfinger was actually the one who told Capricorn Mo's hiding place in exchange that he'll be reads back to the book. But Capricon lied to him and burn the copy of Inkheart that belongs to Mo. He then go to the kitchen to have his wounds treated. And there's one of Capricorn's maid who can't talk and turns out to be Mo's long-lost wife, Resa. Dustfinger then promised to her that she'll be able to meet her family again and that he'll helps her.
In the end, Mo and the rest along with Dustfinger were manages to run away. But Dustfinger left Resa behind, in the Capricorn's village, he broke his promise.

And then, they go to a town where the writer of Inkheart, Fenoglio lives. They told him that they need another copy of Inkheart. And when Fenoglio saw Dustfinger he's really surprised and excited and blurted out that in the end Dustfinger will be dead by saving Gwin. Dustfinger got angry at him and said that he's not his God.
After finding another copy of the book, Mo and Dustfinger, and Farid trailing after them in the trunk, went back to Capricorn's village. While Maggie was staying in Fenoglio's house. And then, because of curiosity, Maggie reads 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' out loud, and bring Toto out of the book. It turns out that she has the same talent as her father. At the same time, Basta was barging in to the house and captured Maggie and Fenoglio.
Knowing Maggie's talent, Capricorn then decide d to use her to calls 'The Shadow' an evil creature from Inkheart, it turns out he kept one of the copy with him. While in the cell, Fenoglio tries to write another ending of Inkheart so that all the characters will go back into the book.
But Fenoglio only manages to write half of it. So, when the time came, Maggie reads what Fenoglio writes and then Mo tells her to write her owns ending. Maggie then writes the ending on her arms while reading it.
In the end The Shadow and the rest characters disappeared, along with Fenoglio who told Maggie that he wants to go there as well. And after that, Mo reads Dustfinger back to the book. And Farid said that he'll have different ending because Farid keeps Gwin with him. And because he got nowhere to go, he came  along with Maggie's family who's finally reunited with Resa who gains her voice back.

If you want to see the trailer, go to