Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Okay, now I want to tell you about my last holiday...

It’s a two weeks long holiday. It was boring, seriously it is, to the point that I think I already get used to it. But, the word ‘holiday’ itself already made me happy, so, okay :D

Mostly, I spent my holiday at home. But it doesn’t mean I didn’t go out at all. So, actually I have nothing interesting to be told... But, anyway, just read. 

In the first week of holiday. I spent it at home, mostly, but I did go out several times. At christmas my parents got a day-off from work and we (along with my little brother) went out to eat =3 And on the Friday, I went to school to meet some of my friends and bought materials for Technical Drawing Task :v After that, I went to the zoo with Lathifah, just the two of us \ :D / Because the other guys weren’t interested and have another plans :v

There’re lots of animals in the zoo, indeed. But, we spent most of the time at Tigers and Lions zone and... was it mouse deer zone? :v We took a lot of photos and videos as well, but mostly (maybe all of it) are animals :v

Here are some of the photos :D

Beside that, since I mostly spent my holiday at home, I was playing video games a lot. I played Osu! and managed to improve 1 level, The Sims (3, Caste Away and Medieval) and some of GBA games with emulator. But mostly, I was playing...

Pokemon. Pokemon. And... POKEMON!!!

Seriously... was I playing it too much? It wasn’t only one game, but, a lot like... a lot. First, Pokemon Ruby with GBA emulator and finally for the first time of my life after all of  ‘troubles’ that ever happened I put an end to it, yes, finally :’); Second, Pokemon White and Pearl with DS emulator, I haven’t finished it though; Third, Pokemon Crystal and Emerald with GBA emulator, but I stopped, because I wasn’t really interested; And last; Pokemon Fire-red with GBA emulator, it got restarted about 3 times or more before because the saved file corrupted :’( But, I decided to start it all over again in the end...

Beside that, I also working on my technical drawing assignment, just the monochromatic by the way :v and I spent a lot time watching a tv as well, mostly, it’s Stand Up Comedy thingy :3 It’s a lot fun seriously, it is, I just can’t get enough of it :’8 I also watch some animes and dramas on my laptop by the way...

And on the second week of the holiday, I got more nothing to do... just playing games all day, eating, sleeping, waiting stand up comedy on tv, rewatching some animes and dramas... doodling, sketching, whatever, wasting time... I also played with cats or hamsters at home, but actually I was just looking at them for 5-10 minutes and it happened more than once a day...

I went out several times as well but it’s only for buying stuffs at supermarket or technical drawing materials at balubur... And on the last three days, I started to working on my polychromatic, and thought that I should finished it before school starts. But I end up finished it up, on the day I have to give it to the teacher :v

So, maybe that’s all about my last holiday, it’s boring, right? But, well, I already got used to that kind of holiday so, okay, that’s normal for me :)


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